Tuesday, August 02, 2011

New Blog Logo!

I've come up with a new logo for this blog:

It's a Celtic cross. In the middle is a spider web(!), and in the middle of that is a picture of the earth.

The Celtic cross symbolizes Christianity, and in particular Catholic Christianity, since this type of cross is associated with Ireland, where a popular legend has it that the Celtic Catholic cross was introduced by Saint Patrick or possibly Saint Declan during his time converting the pagan Irish.

The spider web symbolizes the universe. The idea here is that all parts of the universe are connected in invisible ways to each other, such that an event on one of the "filaments" of the web is felt by all the other filaments. This is true of an actual spider web, of course.

Here, I am thinking mainly of the mysteries of quantum physics, and in particular the idea of "entanglement." Two electrons, introduced to one another so that they are "entangled" and then separated by any amount of distance — say, halfway across the universe — will continue to act as mirror images of one another. If one is given clockwise "spin," for example, the other will instantly develop counterclockwise spin. The spider web symbolizes the mythic meaning of the fact that in our universe elementary particles and even particles of light — photons — persistently dance with one another in that way.

The earth in the very middle represents our planetary home, the only such home that we know of that has evolved life forms that can contemplate, as Douglas Adams put it in his comic novels, "life, the universe, and everything."

Taken as a whole, the logo represents the fact that our earth and our universe are surrounded by, are grounded in, and proceed from divinity.

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