Thursday, July 28, 2011

Texas Drought of 2011

The past nine months have been the driest in Texas since record-keeping began in 1895, with 75 percent of the state classified as having "exceptional drought," the worst possible level.

The Texas drought extends through much of the south central Unites States:

(This map comes from the Current U.S. Drought Monitor
at Click on the map to
enlarge it.)

Images from the drought:

Dead catfish on the dry bed of
O.C. Fisher Lake in San Angelo, Tex.
Farmer Michael Schaefer of St. Hedwig, Texas, says
small ears on his yellow field corn
show the effect of drought.
Cow skull.
In my opinion, the abnormal drought in Texas results from "global weirding," a byproduct of global warming. Global weirding was also responsible for the "100-year" flooding of the Mississippi River this year, 2011. Tornado and hurricane activity, too, change due to global weirding.

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